a little book of moon time and women’s medicines


My little book of moon time and women’s medicines is 32 pages filled with love for young women, women transitioning to elder hood and elders.

You carry the seeds of Creation. You hold the celestial wisdom of a thousand Grandmothers from your past. You are their daughter, you are made of their water, their blood and their cells; you carry their memories deep inside of you. They don’t want you to forget them or your innate connection to the Stars, Moon and Sky World. Put all of this confidence in your pocket, walk tall with it. 

This little booklet gently urges us towards our original place ‘of good mind’. A lovely gift and gentle introduction to Indigenous ways of knowing and sharing. They are wrapped with love and each set has a gift inside.

This little booklet contains my thoughts on moon time, moon cycles, moon water and the feminine connection to Grandmother Moon. Together we explore the medicines that are all around us and contribute to our mental, spiritual, physical and emotional health.

If we don’t keep teaching each other, we will forget, and if you’re just returning home to culture and knowledge, this will be a gentle start. “My only hope is that by spreading gratitude and love, we will help each other strengthen our connections with Creation and each other and move forward with new generations of empowered, kind and humble Indigenous spirits”. 

“We must learn to see each other the way the Moon sees the Sun, vastly different and equally important. This way of thinking is important when living ‘with Good Mind’.

Order all 4 ‘little books’ and get one 1/2 price: https://passthefeather.ca/shop/smudge-kits/little-books-set-of-4/


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