Grandmother Moon
Moon Time
Embrace her medicine
And then she talked with the Moon. The Moon told her,
“I move. I am alive. I am Ehtisho:ta Sonton’ne:ka Karakwa and Nokomis. No matter what you call me, I am your Grandmother. I guide all of the cycles; when to sleep and wake, when to plant and when to harvest, when to hunt and gather the medicines, when to cleanse your body and when to create life.
You, girl, are connected to me. When I am full, you are full. When I wane, you begin anew; cleansed mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Every cycle, every moon time, our power is unmatched. I move and when I glide over you and am full of light and love, put your water out for me and I will turn it into medicine. Drink me gently and you are the calmest and strongest woman alive - and you will become just that.
I move.
I am alive.
Do you remember me?”
On the night before or the night that Grandmother reaches her fullness, put water in a glass jar and set it in the window sill where it will receive her light.
You can leave it in that window all month long and sip it mindfully each day until the next full moon. You may add stones or crystals (ancestors), you may set it on a bed of cedar - but honour it.
A time for feelings, illumination, revelation and connection to all women.
This is real - it’s about your body and spirit, your mental health and how you move in this world and how others move around you.
Let Moon Water make you stronger with every sip.